Bus filters, consistent with the Web Services Invocation Framework ( WSIF) heritage of the Bus, operate on a canonical form of information rather than a SOAP-specific form as current Axis handlers do. 总线过滤器与继承了Web服务调用框架(WSIF)的特点的总线一致,它对规范形式的信息进行操作,而不对特定于SOAP的形式的数据进行操作,这与当前的Axis处理程序一样。
Alternatively, you can prefix the shell command with the number of lines you want it to operate on from the current cursor. 另外,还可以在shell命令前面加上从当前游标位置开始希望操作的行数。
You need not use dot (.) to operate on the entire current directory, either initially or during the lifetime of the repository. 在最初创建存储库时或在其生命期内,不一定非使用点号(.)操作整个当前目录。
It's possible for one or more developers to operate off of the main tree ( the current head of the repository) or a personal branch that sits on the side of the main tree. 一个或多个开发人员可以对主树(存储库的当前头)或位于主树旁的单个的分支进行操作。
Even during such a malfunction, the converter continues to operate without causing overcurrents in the output current. 即使在故障期间,变换器也没有引起输出电流过载。
These commands only operate within the system folders of the current Windows installation, removable media, the root folder of any hard disk partition, or the local installation sources. 这些命令只能在以下位置中使用:Windows当前安装的系统文件夹、可移动媒体、任何硬盘分区的根文件夹或本地安装源。
In a typical application the overcurrent relay is used for overcurrent protection, connected to a current transformer and calibrated to operate at or above a specific current level. 过流继电器的典型应用时过流保护,过流继电器与电流互感器相连,且动作与某一整定值之上。
External DC jack enables the connection to an optional adapter that will allow the recorder to operate from wall current instead of batteries. 杰克使连接外部直流适配器择机操作,使电流从墙上反而电池。
Only licensed banks may operate current or savings accounts. They may also accept deposits of any size and any maturity from the public. 只有持牌银行才可经营往来户口或储蓄户口业务,并可接受公众任何数额及期限的存款。
However, many library staff can only operate the book collector for current using, only a few of them have the knowledge of its data conversion. 然而,不少图书馆人员只会简单操作采集器现采图书,对其数据转换却一知半解。
After the optimization of the system, circuit, and layout design, the IC is realized in BCD ( bipolar-CMOS-DMOS) technology, which is able to operate under a very high voltage and drive current. 由于芯片工作中涉及较高电压和较大电流,电路采用BCD工艺(bipolar-CMOS-DMOS)实现,并对系统、电路和版图进行了优化。
Insert the detection tool into the socket and operate appropriately, use the current plier on the engine general analysis instrument to search the current in the circuit and judge the short circuit point. 即将自行设计的检测工具插在损坏保险的插座上进行适当操作,利用发动机综合分析仪上电流钳查找线路中是否有电流,从而可判断电路中的短路点。
While the previously reported LVDS drivers cannot operate with low-voltage supplies, two new LVDS drivers are proposed-double current sources ( DCS) LVDS driver and the switchable current sources ( SCS) LVDS driver are suitable for low-voltage applications. 目前现存的LVDS驱动不能在低供电电压下工作,双电流源(DCS)LVDS驱动和开关电流源(SCS)LVDS驱动等两种新驱动适用于低电压应用。
The switches in propsed supply can operate in lower current amplitude, nearly current source and ZCS mode. 在负载稳定运行后,电源输出特性近似电流源,开关器件电流幅值较低,并可实现零电流换相。
It is easier to operate the electrodialysis ( ED) with equal eletric current to control the ratio of desalination and the piont of polarization of any Hydraulic stage than to operate the ED with equal voltage drop by adjusting the number of cell pair. 等电流操作电渗析比等电压操作电渗析更容易通过调整膜对数控制多段电渗析各段的脱盐率和极化点。
In the latter, after finishing the equipment of pump cover, electrifying the motor and let it prepare to operate, it requires testing the rotate speed, current and voltage of motor's electricity startup, namely, pretesting the performance of the semi-manufactured fuel pump. 检测部分要实现的功能为:泵盖安装完成后,电机通电试运转,检测电机的启动电、启动电流以及转速,即对半成品燃油泵进行性能预测试。
The circuits can operate below 1 V supply voltage and bias current of 1 μ A. 该电路可工作于1V电压、1μA的偏置电流下。
The low voltage power supply of Na ( Hg) lamp used in experiment usually uses inductance to operate as current limiter. 实验用低压钠(汞)灯电源一般用电感元件作为限流器。
The calculative results shown that the electron trajectories in the gun are perfect Laminar, the gun can operate at a large current density and the change of the transverse energe spread is no large as the current density is increased. 计算表明,该枪的电子轨迹具有良好的层流性,能工作在大电流密度下,回旋能量零散随电流密度的增大变化不明显。
Based on T type filter, the new ballast can achieve a wide dimming range with a very narrow frequency variation range, and it can operate with low lamp current crest factor. 基于T型滤波器的调光方法,能在很窄的工作频率范围内实现深度调光,同时具有灯电流波峰因数低的优点。
The introduction of plasma into generators of coherent electromagnetic radiation potentially has several beneficial effects ( a) due to the charge neutralization in the plasma, the devices can operate with large beam current above the vacuum space-charge limiting; 理论研究进而表明等离子体的参与有以下几个突出的优点:1.由于等离子体电荷中和效应可以使器件在高于真空电流极限下工作,进而有更高的输出功率;
The power convertor employs buck structure and can operate in PWM and PFM mode according to the load current level. 电源变换器采用降压型Buck结构,并且根据负载电流的大小分别工作在PWM和PFM两种模式以提高转换效率。
Multi-defending area detection, large monitoring range, long detection distance, high sensitivity, low false alarming rate, high anti-jamming capacity, high cost performance, easy to operate, manage and maintain are new demands of current security field to intelligent perimeter security systems. 当今的安防领域要求周界防入侵系统具有多防区检测、大监测范围、长监控距离、高监测灵敏度、低误报率、强抗干扰能力、高性价比以及易操作、易管理、易维护等特性。
Because of its small size, long life, low price, easy to operate, tunable wavelength and pumped by current, diode laser in recent years has been widely used in optical fiber communications, high-resolution laser spectroscopy, laser cooling and trapping, and other fields. 由于其体积小、寿命长、价格低、便于操作、波长可调谐,通常又是电流泵浦,近年来被广泛应用于光纤通信领域、高分辨率激光光谱和激光冷却与捕获等领域。
As a result, harmonics were generated from the power converters or non-linear loads that caused the power system operate with low power factor, low efficiency, voltage and current distortions, and increased losses in transmission and distribution lines. 大量电力变流器和非线性负荷产生的谐波可以引起电力系统低功率因数、低效率运行,还可以引起电压电流失真以及输配电网中电能损耗的增加。
The system can operate effectively in both Inductor current continuous mode and discontinuous mode, while the algorithm for load and input voltage disturbances has very good inhibition. 在电感电流连续和电感电流断续模式系统都能有效的运行,同时算法对负载和输入电压的扰动都有很好的抑制作用。
Meanwhile, this novel configuration can operate in constant current or constant power mode. Finally, A FPGA based controller of AC-Link technology was fulfilled. 同时,该变换器能够实现恒流充电和恒功率充电两种充电模式。最后,完成了基于FPGA的高频交流链接技术控制器的设计,并进行了仿真验证和实验验证。
Hydrodynamic bearings operate in complex environment, the current lubrication monitoring methods have some limitations in on-time and accurate diagnose of bearing lubrication condition. 滑动轴承的工作环境复杂,目前对滑动轴承润滑状态的监测方法都有一定的局限性,难以实时准确地判定出轴承的润滑状态。